Portage May Be Replacing 5 Elementary Schools
I remember the original elementary school that I went to being torn down. Even though there were some solid memories of the building, the newer school that was built to replace it was worlds better. That may be happening to Amberly, Angling Road, Central, Haverhill and Woodland elementary schools in Portage, as The Board of Education heard a proposal for new buildings to be built at a meeting Monday, June 24, from members of a committee organized in August to create a plan for the future of elementary education in the district, according to Mlive.
The proposal also asked for renovations to be made at Mooresbridge Elementary School, which was built in 1994. The other schools up for change were built in the 1960's, and according to co-chairs of the committee, Nicole Himebaugh and Keith Lam, need to be replaced. The total cost to replace all five buildings and make renovations at Mooresbridge are estimated to cost about $127.8 million. Do you think this is something Portage Schools should consider?