Ohio Officials Split Building In Two To Settle Property Dispute
Ohio has stepped the crazy up another notch by running a fence through a building. You won't believe this.
This craziness happened in Ruggles Township, Ohio. When the township made the mistake of constructing a building partially on Brett Galloway's property, he complained according to Fox8.com,
He said he has tried negotiating with township leaders since January, but last week, when they didn’t reach an agreement, officials put up a fence and cut down part of the building. About a third of the building still remains on Galloway’s property. Officials plan to tear down their portion.
I know this sounds too crazy to be true. But you need to see the pictures and video to see just how crazy this really is. Click here.
The Ashland county prosecutor said that Galloway would not let them on his land in order to knock down the part of the building that was on his side.
This seems to be a case where everyone is in the wrong.
Ohio...stop it.