I'm sure by now you've heard the horrible idea of raiding Area 51. According to the Facebook event page, 1.6 million people have clicked that they are "going" on September 20th. We'll see if that actually happens but in the meantime, all of this Area 51 talk has sparked an increased interest (and boners) in alien porn.

According to analytics from the popular adult site, PornHub, there has been a higher number of 'Area 51' searches all across the U.S.

Between July 12 and July 16, there have been more than 160,000 total searches with nearly 59,000 searches logged on Tuesday, July 16. (via Mashable)

59,000!! As you can see in the chart below this was never a search on the site prior to July 12th.


However, naughty videos involving aliens isn't uncommon but has also seen an uptick in searches recently.

...those searches spiked by 217 percent on July 2 and 199 percent on July 14 and 15.

But where do Michiganders stand against the rest of America? Pornhub broke down the analytics and also found how much each state was searching for alien-related videos and in Michigan, there was a 5% increase. Alaska, on the other hand, has a 107% increase in searches! I can't say I'm surprised that the top 5 states that are most interested in alien porn are the ones where they're more likely to marry their cousin LOL (kidding... sort of).


And as far as raiding Area 51 goes, keep it in your pants.

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