Michigan Woman Passionately Uses N-Word at School Board Meeting
Michigan school board officials and parents were shocked by the multiple racial slurs including the n-word at a meeting this week.
This very strange moment happened Monday, January 24th at Grosse Pointe Public School. A woman who claims to be the parent of a student at Gross Pointe South High School uses her 3 minutes to go on a confusing rant about racism, her son, the FCC, and other dots that do not easily connect. A few of her statements that rubbed many the wrong way included,
I have two young white boys, one of which got in trouble for saying the n-word on Snapchat.
His dark chocolate auntie got him into Straight Outta Compton.
My address was put out there, we were threatened, and why? Because he said [the n-word]. I'm sorry, this happens to be in every song. The FCC, the Jon Connors, the who's who are in charge [n-word] basically are allowing this and our kids.
You can see the woman's full three-minute rant in a recent Newsweek article by clicking here. You can also watch Click On Detroit's coverage of the meeting below.
Newsweek got this quote from Colleen Worden who is on the school board,
The use of racist language has no place in the Grosse Pointe public school district, where we embrace diversity and inclusion. I'm appalled by the speaker's use of this word at our school board meeting.
This type of behavior has been increasing at school board meetings around the Nation. In August of 2021, a Michigan man called the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners communists as he showed threats of widespread violence. Click here for that full story.