Michigan Made A Family Feud Fast Money Survey
You know you have Michigan pride when a survey question on the Family Feud, make you fill your chest with air, and smile.
Watching the Family Feud on a normal Monday evening, it was time for my favorite segment, the Fast Money around!
The 3rd (or 4th) question was this...
Name The Snowiest State...
Contestant #1 responded...New York...
Contestant #2 said...Illinois...
Neither Contestant named the #1 answer, which was...MICHIGAN!
I never thought of Michigan as the snowiest state; Maine yes, Vermont sure, one of the Dakota's of course, but Michigan?!? Really.
It was a treat to have our home state recognized on Family Feud (even if it was for snow fall).
Bonus 'Family Feud' Video Starring Amy Schumer with Kelly Clarkson
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