UPDATE: 12:08am Saturday 5/25/19-

Power has been restored over the last half hour to most of the affected areas according to Consumer's Energy.


The lights went out in Portage on Friday night, around 10-pm, putting a reported 7,000 plus customers in the dark. Consumer Energy tells WWMT that they hope to have power restored some time early after midnight Saturday morning, but as of late Friday night, the cause of the outage had yet to be determined.

On the "I love Portage " Facebook page, one commenter said "I heard line 46 blew up which is main line into portage area (sic) my buddy works for consumers should be up and on in am". Multiple people on various local Facebook pages reported hearing an explosion and a white flash in the sky just prior to the power going out.

The Consumers Energy Outage Center shows a large area from East of US 131 and South of I-94 going down past the Moors Golf Course and east of Westnedge. Reports are the area around the Crossroads Mall is affected, which in daytime hours would be one of the busiest commerce area in Portage.


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