A Man Slipping Into Lake Michigan During Proposal Goes Viral
The movies make this romantic proposal in the water thing look so easy.
On the 4th of July Maria Guguliotta posted a video of her boyfriend popping the question on the shore of Lake Michigan in Grand Haven. Just seconds before he gets on one knee he ends up on both butt cheeks. If you can't see the embedded facebook video below click here.
There are many things I love about this short 17 second video.
#1 His very fast recovery after he slips and falls in the water is hilarious.
#2 The first thing he does after falling is look back to see if the camera caught the moment.
#3 As he decides to go for the big moment and drop to one knee and present the ring, his girlfriend, who has no idea what's about to happen, is trying to help her boyfriend.
You can't hear what they're saying in the video, but it's clear she said yes by the kiss that followed.
The video has been picked up by multiple media outlets including the barstoolsports TikTok page.
Congrats to the young couple.
BONUS VIDEO: Surprise Proposal with Puppies

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