Kalamazoo has been recognized for being a great place for music students.

The website musicschoolcentral.com, ranked Kalamazoo, Michigan #9 in the top 10 best college towns for music majors.

Home to the Western Michigan University School of Music, Kalamazoo is a college town filled with artistic intrigue, a hip music scene, and one of the finest jazz programs in the country.

Kalamazoo has multiple venues for music majors to perform which factors into the ranking and it's not too far from Chicago or Detroit which are full of musical history.  Kalamazoo itself is full of art and musical culture with "Art Hop" and music festivals year round.

Did you know about the "Kalamazoo Promise"?

Students who live in Kalamazoo receive a full-tuition scholarship from the city of Kalamazoo if they are accepted to any public college in the state of Michigan.

Seeing that Western Michigan University is a fine musical institution encapsulated within one of the most vibrant college towns, a student growing up here should seriously consider taking advantage of the town’s unmatched resources for what would be an outstanding college music education.


10. Ithaca, NY

9. Kalamazoo, MI

8. Asheville, N.C.

7. Tucson, AZ

6. Ann Arbor, MI

5. Portland, OR

4. Norman, OK

3. Madison, WI

2. Cambridge, MA

1. Denton, Texas

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