A former resident of Kalamazoo will climb Mt Kilimanjaro for an amazing cause

Laureus Sport for Good Foundation - Martina Navratilova Mt. Kilimanjaro Climb Day 8
Photo by: Chris Jackson/ Getty Images

Mount Kilimanjaro is located in Tanzania, a country in East Africa.  According to the Climb Kilimanjaro Guide,  Mount Kilimanjaro is Africa's highest mountain and covers an area of 100 kilometers long and 65 kilometers wide.  Whoa.

Laureus Sport for Good Foundation - Martina Navratilova Mt. Kilimanjaro Climb Day 8
Photo By: Chris Jackson/ Getty Images

Daren Wendell once ran across the country...100 Marathons in 100 Days to help Africa.  He was the co-founder of Active Water which is a local Kalamazoo area charity.  ActiveWater is powered by LifeWater where he also works as the Outreach and Community Manager.

Through Activewater, my climb up Kilimanjaro is going to give clean water to those who need it most. Activewater’s mission is special to me because they bring hope to the hardest places by providing clean water, toilets and health education to vulnerable children and families. Most importantly, all the work is done as a platform to share about the Living Water found in Jesus. Just $40 can bring a lifetime of clean water to a person. Will you join me in being part of the solution to amazing people around the world who desperately need clean water?

The climb starts on June 16th and goes through June 23rd.

Laureus Sport for Good Foundation - Martina Navratilova Mt. Kilimanjaro Climb Day One
Photo By: Chris Jackson/ Getty Images

A $40 donation provides 1 person with safe water, sanitation, and hygiene for life

An $80 donation provides 2 people with safe water, sanitation, and hygiene for life

A $120 donation provides 3 people with safe water, sanitation, and hygiene for life

A $240 donation provides a FAMILY with safe water, sanitation, and hygiene for life

Southern Sudanese Begin to Vote In Historic Independence Referendum
Photo By: Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Daren's goal is $15,000 and it only takes $6,000 to build one well in an African Community.

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