Kalamazoo Central High School Is Doing It Again, Only Better!
Kalamazoo Central High School students are making our community a better place, one meal at a time.
According to Mlive Students at Kalamazoo Central High School have raised their fundraising goal for the annual KC Feeds Kzoo event to 10,000 pounds of food this year for Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes!
The incredible part of the story is that these amazing young people are already half way to their goal!!! On Saturday, students "Stuffed the Bus" with can goods. Parked outside Harding's locations at 3199 S. Ninth St. and 5161 W. Main St., students accepted cash donations and donated food to help serve the 700 people per day that seek help from Loaves and Fishes.
It is so incredible to see young people going above and beyond for people they don't even know! We can help Kalamazoo Central High School reach their goal of raising 8,000 pounds of food, but these students need a few more pounds then 8,000. They are pushing themselves to raise up too 10,000 pounds of food!
We all can help! "Stuff the Bus" will be 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 15, outside of Harding's Friendly Market, 5161 W. Main St. Donations will also be accepted outside of Anna's House on Stadium Drive and downtown at Gazelle Sports. Students will go door-to-door in local neighborhoods at the same time to collect food and cash donations.
Thank you Kalamazoo Central High School and everyone who donated, you have changed a life!