Indiana Has The 2nd Most Office Lunch Thieves in the U.S.
We should change the Indiana Hoosiers to the Indiana Lunchbox Bandits after seeing this recent survey.
I once had a co-worker that ate other people's food from the office refrigerator multiple times a day. She honestly thought that if it's in the office fridge that it's free game. Um, NO. That is now how this works. Can you imagine, nearly every day at least one person in my office found their lunch was eaten? Apparently, our neighbors to the South in Indiana know what I'm talking about. A recent survey from claims that the Hoosier state is #2 in the nation for office lunch larceny. Indiana would have been #1 if it weren't for those hungry Alaskan office workers.
A whopping 60% of Indiana people admitted to stealing co-workers food. Alaska topped out at 64.3% Michigan was #17 in this survey with 33.3% of people admitting to stealing colleagues' lunches. By the way 33% is the National average. See the full list by clicking here.
Another interesting finding in this survey is how many people feel it is their right to eat pizza,
Guard your pizza: 16% of workers believe no permission is needed to take a pizza slice.
The number one thieved items were drinks. Anything from pop to energy drinks and coffee.
I don't know who needs to hear this but, if it's not yours do not put it in your mouth. All items in your workplace refrigerator belong to and will be consumed by the person that put the item(s) in the fridge. Unless a note on the food or beverage specifies otherwise. That seems pretty simple, right?
Now who's hungry? I saw some chili in the break room.