5 Spots Where You Can Get Warm and Cozy in SW Michigan
Cozy can be a very relative term, right?
For some, warm and cozy brings up images of their home, their couch, a favorite sweater, or their favorite spot to go when the weather is a little chilly.
Finding a spot where you can get warm and cozy is one of my favorite parts about winter. It's probably why I still love the season so much. Living in an apartment where I don't have to shovel a driveway also helps.
With "keeping cozy" in mind, here are five types of spots where you can get warm and cozy in SW Michigan:
1. Your Favorite Coffee Shop
Sure, you can hit the drive-thru at your local Biggby or Dunkin Donuts. But, if you really want to achieve the ultimate level of coziness, why not visit your favorite locally-owned coffee shop? We have a ton in SW Michigan. To name a few in the Kalamazoo and Battle Creek areas:
- Coffee Rescue in Portage
- Water Street Coffee (multiple locations)
- Cafe Rica USA in Battle Creek
- Factory Coffee in Kalamazoo
But there are plenty more in and outside these areas. Snag a book, order your favorite drink, and get comfortable in one of their (hopefully) big chairs. And, don't forget to tip your barista.

2. A Local Bookshop or Local Library
I am a book lover. So, for me, setting aside a bit of time to visit my local bookstore or library is always exciting. Plus, my local bookshop also has a little cafe. Meaning, I can buy a brand new book (which is also one of my favorite smells), sit down with a snack, and dive into my new literary adventure.
By the way, if you don't have a library card yet, I would encourage you to get one. There are a TON of things you can get for free with your library card. Check out a few below:
3. Treat Yourself to a Weekend Getaway at a Cozy Cabin
Can't find a place to get cozy in your hometown? Why not get away from it all for a weekend and stay at a cozy cabin, instead? Airbnb has an entire category that is just cabins. You can sit by the fire drinking hot chocolate, enjoy a sunset over the lake (if there is one), and just take a moment to disconnect from the busyness of life. Sounds incredibly cozy.
I recently took a glance at the cabin category on Airbnb and put together a list of 11 cozy cabins throughout Michigan. Take a look:
4. At a Hot Tub Garden
If you live in an apartment as I do, having a hot tub readily available is a rarity. It would be lovely to just hop into one on a chilly day so, what do you do when you don't have one? You visit a hot tub garden. Yes, they exist and there are a few in West Michigan. I'm specifically talking about Oasis Hot Tub Gardens.
You can rent a hot tub for at least an hour and rates start at $34 for 2 people. At least, at their Kalamazoo location. You can see all of the rates and hours here.
5. Your Own Couch
Look, some people may shun the idea of just staying home and curling up on the couch but, I fully encourage it. I think, in our current lives, everything can be so hectic all the time. If you can create a cozy, peaceful environment at home...do it. Throw your favorite blanket over your legs, put on your favorite comfort film, and viola! Cozy and warm.
It's really easy to get caught up in the overall dreariness that is winter in Michigan. This is just a friendly reminder that if you've been craving that warm, cozy feeling in your life, you have plenty of ways to find it!
And, keep your head up. Spring is on the horizon.
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