Cheating Doesn’t Pay; Miggy Order To Pay Ex-Mistress
A Florida judge has ordered Detroit Tiger Miguel Cabrera to pay his for "off-field" activities.
The Detroit Free-Press reports the judge ruled Cabrera will pay his ex-mistress, the mother to two children he fathered, $20,000 a month child support and to pay off balance on a million dollar residence she lives in, in Florida.
It also revealed the two children he fathered with her. The boy is now 6; the girl 3. Both of them will also get vacations equal to what the children Cabrera has with his marital wife, under the court order. The judge also ordered that Cabrera provide the children with perks, like annual passes to Walt Disney World, Universal Studios and Sea World. - Detroit Free-Press
The case has been going on since August of 2017 when Belkis Rodriguez sued Cabrera, claiming he left her "high and dry" after Cabrera's wife discovered the affair.
Both sides claim the other side is wrong and financial motivation is at the root of the disagreements between the parties.
Spring training begins in mid-February.