We’ve Been Using The Center Lane Wrong This Whole Time
The older I get the more I realize a few things. First, how incompetent my driving instructor really was, and secondly how we should constantly be receiving updated driving information. Because my whole life when I'm turning left out of a parking lot, I always try and make it to the center lane, that way I can merge onto the road and free up traffic coming out of a business. I thought I was being courteous, but instead I've actually been driving like a jerk, or being one when I ask "What...are we doin?" at cars who won't pull out to the center lane.
I guess myself and probably some of you have been guilty of this as well, but the Road Commission of Kalamazoo County have come out recently and cleared that whole thing up on a Facebook post no less, stating:
Did you know it's actually illegal to use the center lane as a merge lane? It is! Center lanes were designed for one purpose: to turn left, not as a merge or acceleration lane. You won't find this in the Michigan Vehicle Code, but in the Michigan Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices instead. That's then applied from this section: https://bit.ly/2DTFsXF to this section: https://bit.ly/3j7eqfs of the Michigan Vehicle Code. Drive safe!