Caught on Video: Guys Walk Into Closed Michigan Brewery And Drink
Two guys walked into a bar is usually the set up to a classic joke. That wasn't the case last weekend in Sault Ste. Marie.
Monday morning Soo Brewing Company posted still pictures from their security cameras on facebook. The pictures show two men who allegedly entered the business after it was closed at 4am Saturday morning. According to the facebook post, these guys helped themselves to beer, pop and gear. They even went as far as inviting kids into the bar and giving them pop.
The way the facebook post is worded has lead to many people in the comments to ask if the business was left unlocked. Monday afternoon Soo Brewing Company posted,
I’m not surprised at the people who think an unlocked door is an invitation to commit a crime...
They went on to insist that all of the doors to bar were in fact locked. All of this drama took place as the bar was moving locations. Monday night was actually their last night at the Portage Avenue location. That's the location that was broken into Saturday Morning.
The Sault Ste. Marie police are looking into the situation according to,
Police say this is still an open investigation and are looking for leads on those involved. Give them a call at 906-632-5744 if you know or saw anything about those involved.
One of the biggest unanswered question in my opinion is, why were kids walking by this place at 4am?