A Complete Guide to Voting in Kalamazoo County November 3rd, 2020
Find out your polling place location and what is on your ballot before you vote in Kalamazoo County.
Before we get into what's on the ballot and how to find your polling place. Here are a couple tips from metrotimes.com for voting in the 2020 Presidential election.
#1. If you didn't vote early, show up at your polling place on Tuesday, November 3rd.
#2. Bring a photo ID. However, if you don't have a photo ID you can fill out an affidavit and your vote will still be counted.
#3. Wear a mask and bring some hand sanitizer. You're not required by law to wear a mask at polling places. Which is all the more reason to protect yourself during the pandemic and do so.
#4. Bring a personal cheat sheet. There maybe people and/or issues that you're unfamiliar with. Do your homework and take notes before you go vote. You'll be glad you did.
If you're unsure of where your polling place is simply click here and fill out the info under "Search for your voter information."
You can find out exactly what's on your ballot from National to local by clicking here.
The Presidential, Congressional and Legislative sections are pretty simple. We've heard of most of those politicians on the news or constant political ads. Each politician has the party they're affiliated with listed on the ballot for the most part.
Many candidates on the ballot that have no party affiliation. In the past some voters have been guilty of just choosing one of these candidates at random. It's a good idea to do a little homework. You'll find what looks like a green dollar sign icon ($) next to many of names on the state level of the ballot online. You can get more info on each candidate by clicking that icon.
The final part of your ballot will likely have 2 state proposals and one or more county proposals. These proposals may very depending on what county or city you're voting in.
The two state proposals are very important. According to BallotPedia.org Michigan Proposal 20-1 is,
Allow the State Parks Endowment Fund to continue receiving money from sales of oil and gas from state-owned lands to improve, maintain and purchase land for State parks, and for Fund administration, until its balance reaches $800,000,000
Click here to read about Michigan Proposal 20-1.
Michigan Proposal 20-2 is summarized by BallotPedia.org,
Prohibit unreasonable searches or seizures of a person’s electronic data and electronic communications.
Click here to read about Michigan Proposal 20-2.
And finally, Kalamazoo County has a Housing Millage on the ballot. If passed this millage would raise our property taxes $.75 per $1,000 of our home's value. Mlive described the proposal,
The new millage purposes a 0.75-mill property tax for eight years, 2021 through 2028, to provide rental subsidies, permanent housing and related supportive services for residents of Kalamazoo County.
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer stressed how important and easy early voting is during her appearance on The View Tuesday. You can avoid standing in line on November 3rd by going to your local Clerk's office today to vote.