$500 Reward For Stolen Bike and Bag
A Physics Professor at K College had a bike along with very important paperwork stolen.
That professor, Dave Wilson, posted the following message on facebook Thursday Morning,
$500 Reward if I can recover the paperwork and iPad.
Kalamazoo - I'm really hoping to recover the stolen bag. It was likely ditched somewhere in the Vine near El Sol. Eye witnesses say the bike went from El Sol to Walnut then towards Westnedge. The bag could prove the bike was stolen, so it was likely dumped fast.
Please check your bushes, trash cans, under porches.
The last 6 months of my research is on the iPad and in the papers.
Please share this post with anyone around and near Kalamazoo, you never know who might see the bag.
I have filed a police report, asked El Sol for camera footage, though they haven't provided any yet. I have called three pawn shops in town, checked with the Mission and encampment. I have put up posters around the area.
If you have other ideas on where to look, please let me know!
Please share this on your facebook and twitter pages. Let's help him find his stuff!
If you know anything about the missing items please contact the KDPS.
BONUS VIDEO: Comstock Home Invasion Security Camera Footage