This Is What Time Your Kids Will Wake You Up Christmas Morning
I remember when I was a kid, I would wake up at 5 a.m. to watch the best sports highlights from the year, surrounded by presents with the tree lit up. It's a magical memory. My parents would usually make their way downstairs around 6:15/6:30 to get coffee and get ready for the Christmas morning activities. A survey was taken recently asking 2,000 parents what time they are woken up by their kids on Christmas morning.
According to Mirror, parents of young children will be getting woken up on Christmas Day at 6.44 a.m. As they clarify the findings, the British website states, "Mums and dads of younger kids will be up earliest, with the average child aged two to six being wide awake by 6.45am. Unsurprisingly, teenagers are least likely to be up before their parents – with just 15 per cent waking up before 7am."
So get some good rest Christmas Eve and prepare to have a long, wonderful Christmas Day!