The Post Office Now Has Scratch And Sniff Stamps
The Post Office just stepped up their game
The United States Post office released the first 'Forever Stamp' in April of 2007 and my grandmother sent me pack of stamps with a note of what a wonderful idea it is. I love 'snail mail' and yes, as Dana says I am old, but getting a letter in mail seems to lift my spirits.
Years have passed and we are all use to the idea that if you purchase a stamp you can use it forever (hence the name). But now it's just gotten better; you can buy scratch and sniff stamps!!!! How amazing is that?!? According to
The U.S. Postal Service’s first scratch-and-sniff stamps will add the sweet scent of summer to letters of love, friendship, party invitations and other mailings when the Postal Service introduces the Frozen Treats Forever stamps.
I of course ran out and bought two packs of them and can not love them enough! I can't wait to see what the Post Office comes out with next!