The Jack O’ Lantern Has A Scary Past…
Now days carving pumpkins is considered family fun, but folklore tells a different story.
Many of us have fun, happy memories of carving pumpkins but, do you know the story behind the great Halloween tradition.
Couple Of Things To Know Before I Tell You The Tale...
- The Irish brought the tradition of carving pumpkins to America.
- The original Jack O' Lanterns were carved out of turnips, potatoes, and beets.
- You place a candle in a Jack O' Lantern to ward off evil spirits.
Now For The Legend Of The Jack O' Lantern...
According to pumpkinnook.com the legend goes something like this...
...Many, many years ago, there was a man named Stingy Jack. Now, Jack was an awful mean drunk who enjoyed playing tricks on people, even the Devil! Well, one night after getting drunk with the Devil, Stingy Jack convinced the Devil to climb an apple tree. Once the Devil was up on a branch, Stingy Jack drew crosses all around the base of the tree. As we know, the Devil can't touch a cross, so a deal was made with Stingy Jack. If Stingy Jack removed the crosses, the Devil would never take his soul. Stingy Jack agreed to the deal, the Devil climbed out of the tree, and the two parted ways
Yet, that is not the last time the two would meet...
Years later Stingy Jack passed away, and went to the pearly gates. Upon arrival he was sent to Hell because he was so cruel to others during his lifetime. When he got to the Devils home he had a problem. The Devil kept his promise, and refused to let him enter. Stingy Jack was scared because his fate would be for him to wonder around in the dark forever. He asked the Devil how he could go if he could not see the path. The Devil picked up an ember from Hell's fire, tossed it to Stingy Jack, then walked away. All Stingy Jack had to hold the ember with was a turnip. So, Stingy Jack hollowed out the turnip, placed the ember in it, and started his dark journey back to earth. Since that time, Stingy Jack walks the earth in the dark without a resting place, lighting his way with his Jack O' Lantern!
So now this year when carving your Jack O' Lateran you can tell that spooky tale...
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