Eager for Halloween? This Street in Romeo Takes it to the Extreme
For some, the 4th of July marks a time of summer celebration. For others, it marks the beginning of the Halloween season (we all have at least one friend like this).
Halloween is a loved holiday by those who love to dress up, love candy, or just love all things spooky and creepy. But, for one street in the small town of Romeo, MI, Halloween seems to be everything.
Terror on Tillson Street has been a tradition in the Romeo area for years. When you think of Halloween decorations images of skeletons, jack-o-lanterns, and cobwebs may spring to mind. While you'll find those things on this street during Halloween, they take it to the next level.
In fact, this one street attracts thousands of visitors both from Romeo and nearby towns, according to terrorontillson.com. But, it's not all about the decorations. For the night of Halloween, all participating houses also hand out candy. Apparently, last year (2021) each house passed out about 2,000 pieces of candy in a 3-hour trick or treating span. If you do the math, that's about 60,000 pieces of candy collected during a single night.

You can see the decorations and just how busy the street is in the below video. Warning, it is about 30 minutes long. But, when you see how in-depth these decorations are, you'll understand why:
Aside from the obvious thrill of transforming your home into something terrifying, this event is also all about the community.
The street itself is closed to traffic for at least three hours, the Romeo high school football team is on-site with flashlights and bright vests to help control the crowd and help find lost kids if need be, and, overall, provides a safe place for the kids to just have fun.
There's no charge to visit Tillson Street and all are welcome. Should you be close to the Romeo area and are a lover of Halloween, this might be a "must-visit" to add to your list.
Read more about the history of Terror on Tillson Street here.
Speaking of Halloween, did you miss this last year? A man in Ohio outdid all of his neighbors with, possibly, the coolest decoration ever:
Ohio Man Wins Halloween With House-Sized, Homemade Skeleton Decoration
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