Michigan lawmakers are considering expanding the state's current bottle deposit law to include non-carbonated beverages like water, excluding milk containers.
We've all saved too many bottles for too long before. How many are we legally allowed to return per day in Michigan? And what about out of state bottles?
A can of ginger ale can have as much as 9-13 teaspoons of sugar that's added to it, which doesn't help considering sugar helps feed bad bacteria in your stomach
Vernors will be featuring 7 iconic lighthouses from across Michigan on cans of their pop during the summer of 2018 including the iconic North Pier light in St. Joseph.
Normally the hottest pepper you can get on the market is called a Scotch Bonnet, which register 250,000 scoville units. The Toe Ff Satan registers in at 9,000,000
Yesterday, Myself, Heather McGregor and Eric Meier from K102.5 visited Rocket Fizz to do a taste testing of some their strangest pop flavors. Sadly at the time, they were out of the heavily favored Pickle & Birthday Cake