Royal Wedding Inspiring King & Queen Pets of Southwest Michigan
With the Royal Wedding approaching this weekend, I decided to have a little fun and have followers on our Facebook page to post pictures of their pets for which I will name a "King & Queen Pet of SW Michigan." The only problem is we've already had over 160 entries! So I decided I'm gonna be doing an entire "Royal Family" of cats and dogs separately.
The original post was made on Monday which you can view here:
If you have a furry friend you want to nominate you can go to the post and comment a picture of them as long as you took it yourself. On Friday, I'll be announcing my favorite as the "Royal Family of Pets In SW Michigan." The competition is already so dang tough because all these pets are adorable. I'll be narrowing the list down tomorrow so make sure you send me those pics so they can be immortalized on Friday. Pinkies out!
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