NSFW: You Have To See What Flew Into This Michigan Guy’s Car
Anyone who is from Michigan knows you always expect the unexpected when it comes to driving on Michigan highways. From I-94, to 696, and the ever famous I-75, there can be turkeys, other wildlife, out of control drivers, and don't forget that we're almost at the 3 year anniversary of the massive 200+ car pile-up that happened on I-94. Driving on the highways can be dangerous, and as we've learned recently, some no-so naturistic item can also be a hazard.
The commenters had a field day after seeing this, posting comments like:
"Well look at it this way! Instead of a ding in your bumper... you got a DONG!"
"That's what he gets for driving a Chevy"
"Oh my heavens...I wondered where that went...lol"
"Yeah my boyfriend got jealous of the time I spent with my toys over him. Then threw it out the window while we were going to visit family. Lol. I’ll pay for any damage it caused."
This definitely lines up to be my "What The Trash?" moment of the week.
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