Nothing Like Fireworks, Fourth of July and Fun on Fisher Lake
I suppose this could be about any of the great lakes (no, not Great Lakes) around here, but my favorite will always be Fisher Lake in Three Rivers.First of all, Google Maps calls it Fishers, and some sources say either or both is ok.
When I first moved to Kalamazoo in 1987, we were "adopted' by my boss, Phil Britain's family. There were several of us who were new to Michigan and they made us feel like family. It started with a weekly family outing at a restaurant in Mendon (who remembers the Hornet's Nest, and waitress Tootie?). This turned into a thirty-five year Fourth of July family "reunion" on Fisher Lake. Every year, we met up for a day of laughter, ribs, and fun on the water, and climaxing with homemade fireworks over the lake. As families grew, so did the fun and laughter.
The fact that Three Rivers is so close to the Indiana border and "better" fireworks certainly put the boom into the holiday festivities. What made fireworks on Fisher Lake so special, was all around the lake, you'd hear, and then after dusk, see incredible displays from all around the lake.
I know my kids, heck all kids, loved the fireworks best, all hoping to be old enough to be part of the crew that would set them off from the row boat launching pad.
For me, it was seeing friends, old and new, catching up on the industry gossip, and swapping stories, like how furious Pa got at the St. Joe County water patrol the year he got the ticket on his pontoon.
And then there was the food; endless racks of ribs, and peach and cream corn, that had been soaking in water before being tossed on the coals. And the American Flag cake, and singing "God Bless, America". Yes, it was a wonderful slice of Midwestern Americana.
If you're lucky enough to find your Fisher Lake, thank your lucky stars. And God Bless, America, indeed.
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