Nominate Your Favorite Pizza Place In Southwest Michigan – 2020
Due to circumstances beyond our control we are cancelling the 2020 pizza poll. We hope to have a new "best of" poll for you soon.
October is Pizza Month. Let us know your favorite place to grab a slice in Southwest Michigan in 2020.
Due to the pandemic we almost forgot that October is National Pizza Month. Better late than never, right? We're celebrating National Pizza Month by searching for the best pizza joints in our area. For the sake of this poll we are accepting nominations for pizza places in Van Buren, Kalamazoo, Calhoun, St. Joesph, Cass, Branch and Allegan counties.
Nominations end Sunday, November 1st at 11:59 PM. Voting runs from November 2nd thru November 15th. What local pizza place will walk away with bragging rights? We'll find out Monday, November 16th. But for now...nominate below. Submit your nomination by giving us the restaurant name and city. Only one nomination per restaurant is necessary. (Multiple nominations do not count as votes.)
Click here to see the results from last year's pizza poll.

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