Michigan Haunted Walking Tour Planned For October
I am freaking ready for Halloween. It really doesn't get any simpler than that. So excuse me if I spend all September talking about all the spooky fun that's gonna be happening in the next two months. One thing I'm particularly stoked for is the Michigan Haunted Walking Tour that's gonna be happening just north of Jackson in October. Hosted at Seven Gables, Afterlife Road: A Haunted Michigan Webseries will be leading a walk down a haunted road on October 23rd from 8 p.m. until 11 p.m.
The webseries has even done investigation at cemeteries in Kalamazoo, but next month they'll be leading people on a public ghost hunt. Tickets can be bought here for $20, as they describe what you can expect from this spooky event:
Seven Gables has it all: paranormal activity, demonic reports, extraterrestrial sightings, Bigfoot reports, etc.!
Tour will be led by 2 members of the Michigan State University Paranormal Society and “Afterlife Road: A Haunted Michigan Webseries.”
We will teach you how to use all of our professional “as seen on TV” ghost hunting gear… no experience necessary!
Though we will be providing all the necessary and professional equipment, we encourage you to bring your own camcorders and audio recorders to document and share your own experiences!
All ages 18+ welcome!
Upnorthlive.com even reported that “One local legend is that the home was owned by a woman who practiced witchcraft and cursed the land… While the legends continue to circulate, locals in the area say too many strange things have happened to not think something evil is lurking behind the gate at the end of Seven Gables Road.”
This sounds amazing. Who's down for this?
MORE: Take a Look at Kalamazoo's (Reportedly Haunted) State Theatre