Michigan Amazon Driver Accidentally Wedges Truck Into Golf Course Tunnel
This hilarious photo of an Amazon driver's wrong turn is a symbol of 2020.
Don't we all feel stuck right now? We all just want to see the light at the end of the tunnel. This happened Saturday afternoon at the Boulder Pointe Golf Club in Oxford, Michigan according to Mlive.
Before we have to much fun at the expense of this poor Amazon driver, it's important to recognize the pressure they're under. Before the pandemic, Amazon set ridiculous expectations of how fast we get our online orders. Post pandemic, Amazon has posted record sales and profits because we are shopping online more than ever. We have already heard how incredibly demanding this company has been on their employees for year. Now add in the fact that we've all become a bunch of Karens when it comes to customer satisfaction. It's no wonder we've seen a Michigan Amazon driver quit and abandons his vehicle back in July. Then there's the constant TikToks of Ring doorbell cams catching Amazon trucks roll away as the delivery guy runs the package up to a customer's porch.
Then there are the man videos of Amazon delivery people slipping on customer's porches and steps because they're in such a hurry and not watching where they're going. I don't mean to leave out delivery people of other companies. Lord knows they are all working very hard. However, there's a reason we rarely see videos like this of USPS, UPS and Fed Ex drivers. It appears as though, the Amazon employees are pushed to their limits.
2021 will be here before we know it and that driver will be able to look back at this moment and laugh. Seriously, we're glad he's ok.

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