Kalamazoo Pride 2017 Entertainment Lineup
From Former American Idol contestant Matt Giraud to the soulful island sound of hit maker Diana King, this will be the biggest Kalamazoo Pride to date!
Kalamazoo Pride is a weekend long party for all of West Michigan to come together. Kalamazoo Pride is June 9th and June 10th at the Arcadia Creek Festival Site. Get the full schedule below.
6pm (gates open)
6pm: DJ Dazzle Ship
7pm: Miss/Mister Kalamazoo Pride Pageant
9:30pm: Sutton Lee Seymour
11pm: Hair Mania
2pm (Gates open)
2pm: DJ Dazzle Ship
4:30pm: Pariah
6pm: Vox Vidorra
7:30pm: Matt Giraud
9pm: Diana King
10:30 pm: Cazwell
11:15pm: Jinkx Monsoon
Check out the vending booths, family activities and the dunk tank Saturday 2pm-8pm. Food vendors are there both Friday and Saturday from open to close.