Human Bone Found on University of Michigan Marching Band’s Rehearsal Field
It's not uncommon to see "bones" on a marching band field. But those are typically Trombones.
Earlier this week, though, the University of Michigan marching Band found an extra Bone on their field, and this one wasn't a musical instrument.

At the moment, there is a pretty significant construction project happening around the field where the University of Michigan Marching Band rehearses in Ann Arbor. While working just outside of the field, crews found what they initially figured was an animal bone.
Authorities later confirmed, though, it was a human bone, and part of human remains.
Melissa Overton, who is the university police deputy chief said the bone was found right underneath where the railroad tracks used to be.
Michigan State Police were called to the scene on Monday when the bone was found by the Christman Construction Crew, and a team of forensic analysts made the confirmation, which included a UM Graduate student.
It's unclear at this time whether the bone is recent, or much older. Further investigation of its condition should provide more information. And, it's unclear if the bone is from a man or a woman. So far this is the only bone they've found, and it's unclear which part of the body the bone was from.
The construction project is part of a $631 million upgrade to the area, which includes housing, and a new residence hall.
Not the first time Human Remains Found on UofM Campus
Strangely enough, yes, there have been human remains found on campus before. Back in 1993, the University was starting to build around Randall Laboratory, and unearthed something like 20 human skulls in the ground.
After testing, and an investigation, it was determined the remains were used for dissection at an old Anatomical Laboratory that wasn't far from the medical school. That lab burned to the ground in 1912.