Here’s Your Ultimate Thanksgiving Checklist
As we prepare for another Thanksgiving, it’s important that we all remember the essentials to make your day unforgettable. It’s important that you get all the food and supplies you’ll need for the big day. I put together a small checklist that covers a wide demographic so you won’t miss out on anything:
Enough gravy to allow for drinking
White Castle sliders to make stuffing out of
Whiskey Gingers (For the dads)
29 Pumpkin Pies
18 Cans of Whip Its...I mean Cool Whip.
Loose-fitting pants
Pillows (Good luck not napping)
Stress balls( for the Lions Game)
All the supplies needed for you and your cousin to “take a walk”
Leaving political talk at home
More food than any group of people should ever consume...
and the FREE 1033KFR SMARTPHONE APP to stay up to date on the day's happenings.
That’s all, everything else is just gravy.
Now go and spend this time with the ones that mean the most to you and let's all be thankful for what we have. Happy Thanksgiving!