Haunted Battle Creek: The Dogman of Fort Custer
Anybody who has enjoyed this mini series we've been doing titled Haunted Kalamazoo knows that we have plenty of our own specters and spooks in our area. But what about Battle Creek? Turns out I just learned of an urban legend of the Dogman who was spotted at Fort Custer not too long ago. The story goes that one night in 2000, at the intersection of Dickman and Clark roads, a 28-year-old pregnant woman slowed her vehicle down for what appeared to be a dog crossing the street. As she watched the rugged, gray-furred creature walk past her car, it reached some nearby weeds. Then, she said, it suddenly stood up on its hind legs and peered back at the woman.
That's just one of the accounts that was given to Linda Godfrey, an author who wrote, "The Michigan Dogman: Werewolves and Other Unknown Canines Across the U.S.A."
According to BCE: "One of the common characteristics of the eyewitness accounts provided to Godrey, she says, is the presence of a graveyard or military installation. The area of the alleged Battle Creek sighting has both in the Fort Custer Training Center - formerly Camp Custer - as well as the nearby Harmonia Cemetery, a burial ground for a former religious community that believed spirits of the dead could communicate with the living."
Do you believe that the spirit of the long dead soldiers or religious community could be manifesting into some dog-type creature? Have you seen it? Or is this just a fancy myth in your opinion?