Halloween Roast of Dana Marshall – Reddit RoastMe
I was looking ridiculous on Halloween Day. It seemed like a great time to submit a "Roast Me" picture to reddit. What was I thinking?
For those of you not familiar with Reddit or the r/roastme subreddit I'll explain. Reddit is a VERY large community of anonymous internet trolls. If you post something in reddit, especially in the roastme subreddit, you better have a great sense of humor and a thick skin.
With that being said, here is a sample of some of the less graphic responses to my picture:
The annoying uncle who never grew up that’s begrudgingly invited over once a year for thanksgiving
[–]Damnitgreg 1 point
I'm getting Kevin Spacey vibes from this guy.
Click here to see ALL of the response including the ones to foul to post on this site.