A Michigan Grocery Store Will Charge You For Not Wearing Mask
No shirt, no shoes, no mask; no service.
In March Michigan had the 3rd most deaths and Covid-19 cases in the county. In early June we experienced a dramatic drop in cases due to the Stay Home Executive Order, social distancing and wearing masks. Two - three weeks later Michigan is seeing a steady increase of new daily Covid-19 cases again. Which is why many businesses like Honor Family Market in Northern Michigan are requiring masks to enter. For some reason, many people are aggressively resisting wearing a mask in order to keep themselves and their community safe from this unprecedented virus.
In an effort to do the right thing Honor Family Market has taken the following messures:
#1 You must wear a mask to enter the store.
#2 If you don't have a mask they will sell you one for $1.
#3 If you still insist on not wearing a mask you will be charged $10.
Even though they posted a sign outside of their entrance about the $10 no mask charge, they claim they are yet to charge anyone according to their facebook page,
We have not charged anyone with the influx of guests from all over the country we are enforcing the mask rule. No mask no service unless you have a medical issue we suggest you use our curbside service.
Of course they are getting a little bit of backlash from the people that feel they shouldn't have to wear a mask inside a building full of people during a pandemic. I wonder if those same people throw a fit about the 'no shoes no service' rule. For the most part, the reaction has been positive as customers feel safer going inside businesses that enforce the mask rule.

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