This Fennville Bakery Has Some of The Best Pie Crust Ever
There's a bakery in Southwest Michigan located in Fennville that has what some people call "the best pie crust I've ever tasted." But somewhat overshadowing Crane's Pie Factory's pies is a stuffed dog that was gifted to them from a person who inherited the dog. It was a sleigh dog named Betty who lived from 1930-1937 and has now become a staple feature of their basement, seated in a sleigh. Sharon, who visited Crane's shared her experience with seeing the dog close up:
We visited Crane's restaurant and cider mill/bakery on 01-04-04. "Betty" was there, sitting quietly in a sleigh. We were told that Betty lived in Chicago and when she died in 1937 her owner had her preserved. The cashier there didn't have too much information other than that. She looked pretty good for being dead for 67 years. The pies were great, and the hot cider was good on the snowy day we visited. It was definitely worth a smile or two.

How Did They Get This?
One of the owners gave an interview where she explained how an employee at the time came to work and explained how she had just inherited the dog and asked if they would possibly want to display it. The owners were a little reluctant at first because, well, to be honest I find it filled with the things nightmares are made out of, but the response from the public has been overwhelmingly positive:
You would not believe the attention it gets.
Just looking at it through video gives me chills. If you're brave enough to see it, let us know how creepy it is in person.
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