The weather theme for 2019 in West Michigan would have to be "unseasonable."  It's about to get worse.

At 10:15 PM Thursday Night News Channel 3's Chief Meteorologist Keith Thompson posted this on facebook,

If you're a fan of hot weather, I got bad news for ya'! The latest temp outlook from NOAA NWS Climate Prediction Center has high confidence in below average temperatures for West Michigan next week. Looks like it may be wetter, too.

According to the average high temp at the Kalamazoo-Battle Creek International Airport for early to mid June is about 80 with average low temps around 60.

The National Weather Service is indicating highs in the 60's between June 14th-20th, 2019.

It could also be a wet week with the National Weather Service showing a 50% probability of above average rain fall for the same time period.

This Michigan cliche' is getting old already.

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