The Ten Best Cereals Of All Time
Today is National Cereal Day and being that we live in an area known for its Cereal in Battle Creek, I would like to offer my take on what I feel are the Top 10 Greatest Cereals Of All Time. Let the arguing begin:
10. Teddy Grahams Cereal- This stuff somehow made it into the breakfast lineup and I can still taste those honey ones to this day. So amazing.
9. TMNT Cereal- What made this so tasty was they mixed the plain grains with the sweet marshmallows that made the whole experience so good. That and I was a huge Turtles fan, the cereal did them justice.
8. Swedish Chef's Croonchy Stars- Keeping it very 80's so far, i know. But this cereal was my absolute favorite as a kid. I wish I could have one more taste of this cereal because its taste has never been replicated.
7. Kellogg's Crispix- This one is the first on the list that isn't sugar infused and that's the way i like it. Crispix has always delivered on a perfect taste combo of corn and rice cereal that will always rival any sweet cereal on the list. As i've gotten older, it has become my go-to cereal.
6. Quaker Oat's Oatmeal Squares- Another non-sweet cereal that I have been obsessed with for so many years and I can't figure out why. It's somewhat of a bland cereal but the crunchiness maintains what flavor it does have while in milk, which is a big selling point for me. The flavor is actually really good.
5. Rice Krispy Treats Cereal- I still remember when I first saw this on shelves and could not believe what we were getting away with eating for breakfast.
4. Frosted Flakes- The frosted version of Wheaties, this cereal will always go down as one of my favorites, especially with how it made the milk taste.
3. Cocoa Puffs- Who could deny that this is not only one of the best tasting cereals, but that only one thing is better than eating the cereal, but enjoying the chocolate milk you get once its gone? A crucial morning combo for any kid.
2. Fruity Pebbles- This was without a doubt one of the all-time favorites in my house growing up and still is today. I could seriously crush a box of this in one sitting. The most dangerous cereal on the planet.
1. Cookie Crisp- I need to clarify. The Cookie Crisp of today IS NOT the Cookie Crisp of the 90's. Whatever they did to the recipe is a slap in the face of how good it once was. The reason I say this is the best ever is because my mother NEVER let us get this at the store. As some of the classic commercials said, with the adult figure frowning on cookies for breakfast, it wasn't a good cereal for us. When we would take roads trips to Florida, my Grandmother would always have a massive 1 gallon food container with Cookie Crisp waiting for us, and it was like finding the holy grail. She would even fill it up and send us home with one too. Grandparents are the best, and so was Cookie Crisp.