Beaumont Hospital Will Lay Off Nearly 2,500 & Eliminate 450 Positions
The Coronavirus situation has been a struggle so far for those who are on the front line doing everything they can to keep those affected with the virus get healthy. An unfortunate announcement was made today which will have tremendous impact on one of the largest hospital groups in Michigan. It was announce that Beaumont Health, which operates more than half a dozen hospitals across Southeast Michigan will be temporarily laying off 2,475 employees, while completely eliminating 450 positions.
Getting laid off is never a good thing but it is important to know that the nearly 2,500 people being temporarily laid off are not frontline workers. These positions are primarily hospital administrative positions and other employees who don't directly care for patients. WDIV sites that the reason for this mass layoff is because Beaumont reported a $278.4 Million loss in Q1. The CEO of Beaumont Health himself is taking a 70% pay cut, as well as members of Beaumont's executive leadership who have been asked to take a 45% cut.
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