Two-Hearted Day Is Thursday, Celebrating 22 Yrs. With A Fish Fry
The language would be too flowery if we said something like "starting in humble beginnings, Two-Hearted Ale rose to be the number one beer in the country."
But that actually is pretty much the story of Kalamazoo's most awarded beer. (Three years in a row and counting by the American Homebrewers Assoc.) And the actual debut was on August 15th, 1997.
with numerous event across its distribution area. Bell's says "A special Untappd badge is also available for this week only. One check-in to a Two Hearted will unlock the badge on the popular beer site through midnight on Saturday,"
At the Eccentric Café in Kalamazoo, Bell's is celebrating with a fish fry in the beer garden on Thursday (Aug. 15th). Why a fish fry? Well, Larry Bell always says Two-Hearted was designed "for fishing trips up North".
Bell's PR Department also sent along some other Two-Hearted fact you might now know.
- Every minute, more than 120 pints of Two Hearted are enjoyed across the US.
- The first version of Two Hearted debuted in the late 1980s as a pale ale brewed with English malt and Wisconsin grown hops (the two “hearts”).
- Named after the Two Hearted River in the U.P., the original recipe was designed for fishing trips up north.
- In 2015, Bell’s brewed a “throwback” version for its 30th Anniversary Funvitational Beer Festival, called OG Twoey that pays tribute to that original recipe.
- The Two Hearted we know and love today debuted in 1997 as a winter seasonal. In 2003, it became a year round offering and surpassed Oberon as Bell’s best-seller in 2013.
- Today, it is brewed with one single hop variety – Centennial.
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