Short’s Brewing Says “Enough Is Enough”
Short's Brewing made a powerful statement on Thursday. They said "enough is enough."
In a statement posted on Facebook Thursday evening, The Bellaire-based Short's said,
It's time to STOP. Enough is enough already.
To all of the customers who have swore at us, yelled, laughed in our faces, threatened negative reviews, name-called, belittled and brought us to tears, we are done. We're here to tell you that we stand with all of our staff and we will not tolerate this behavior at our pub. Our staff deserves better. We are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, daughters and sons. We might not be yours, but we are somebody's and deserve the respect you would want for your own. We are your servers, hosts, bussers, and kitchen crew. We've had enough of the bullying that has come to light during the time of COVID. We will not be bullied. We bust ours to give you a killer experience. We understand how frustrating waiting for food or dealing with lines can be, but we are also constantly working to streamline our business levels with this new system. - Short's Brewery on Facebook
You'd think we wouldn't need a plea for simple common decency. But for some people,. the year 2020 has been license to go off the rails. It's like the wild, wild West. A portion of the public is taking anger, meanness, frustration, bullying, label it whatever you want, they're taking it to a new level. And with many people who are capable of this kind of ugliness, any kind of admonition simply goes over their heads.
Anyone who works with the public can tell a story or stories about over the top customers. It comes with the territory. But this seems to be an outgrowth of everything else going to hell in our society, especially this year. Short's though is attempting to draw a line saying "enough". If nothing else, it's a powerful statement to the workers at Short's, that management has got their back.
The response on Facebook is overwhelmingly positive, with FB commentor Adam Prince's being typical
"This really stinks that you have to write this ...but I applaud management for standing up to the so called humans. We are all in this together why cant people understand you and your staff dont make the rules but it is up to us to follow them." - Adam Prince
Another from a Jordan Fekete-Ritter added,
This needed to be said and HEARD by anyone visiting and dining in establishments. I have seen so much hostility since the re-open of restaurants, as well. It is so disheartening that people think it is ok to act like this.- Jordan Fekete-Ritter
What's depressing is, can you honestly see people's behavior ever getting better?