An Otsego, Michigan Man Serenades Neighbors Twice a Day
Watch this retired Kalamazoo Central High School Teacher sings "God Bless America" to his neighbors.
Every day at 1 P.M. and 7 P.M. David Youngs sets up his microphone and P.A. speaker on his front porch to sing this patriotic song. Young told WWMT that he hopes to inspire others,
It's really a prayer. I'm praying for our neighborhood, our nation, our world. I love to sing. I believe this is a prayer and think god is hearing it. I hope it's an inspiration to the people around us. I just felt that was one of the gifts that God has given me, to lift people, to encourage them, to inspire.
Youngs plans to continue singing every day as he has for the last month, sometimes to a small crowd, sometimes to an empty street, until the Michigan stay-at-home order is lifted.
Here's a video from Wood TV of David youngs singing to his neighborhood.