Missing Kent County Dog Found In Grain Silo
After being trapped in a grain silo, Milo was finally re-united with his family. I say finally because this adorable Springer Spaniel had been missing for over a month. 43 days to be exact. The way he was found is heartbreaking.
Animal Control officers responded to a call of a possible dog stranded in a silo in Sand Lake, MI last Sunday morning according to the Kent County Animal Shelter,
The dog had been heard barking for a few days per town residents. Our caller had investigated the area and believed him to be stuck under a silo so contacted Animal Control for assistance.
You can see photos of Milo stuck in the old grain silo and the tear jerking moment when he is reunited with his family at the animal shelter in the facebook post from the Kent County Animal Shelter below.

The facebook post from the Kent County Animal Control goes on to say that Milo travelled 20 miles and lost 33 pounds on his journey through snow storms and below zero temps. It truly is a miracle that this fur baby survived. We wish Milo and family the best.
Now, let's look at photos of Michigan dogs kayaking.
Dogs on Kayaks in Michigan
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