Why is it Illegal to be Drunk on a Train in Michigan?
Wait a minute. Aren't we supposed to use public transportation to avoid drunk driving when intoxicated?
August 14th, 1913 is the day that 436.201 Drunkenness on train prohibited law went into effect in the mitten state according to Legislature.MI.Gov,
No person shall while in an offensive state of intoxication enter or be on or remain upon any railway train or interurban car as a passenger.

I'm very curious as to who did what in the early 1900s that screwed up being intoxicated on a train for the rest of us. It's highly unlikely that this law has been enforced in many, many years. Here are a couple of fun facts about this law that I found surprising.
No Drunks on a Michigan Train Fun Facts
#1. The conductor can arrest you if you're hammered on their train.
According to the ArborYpsi law blog, the conductor can take your booze and arrest you,
A conductor can arrest a drunk passenger and deliver him or her to a police officer at the nearest station.
#2. If the train conductor feels it's warranted, you could serve 3 months in jail according to the White Law PLLC blog,
If the train conductor deems it appropriate to take matters to court, you may end up facing a misdemeanor charge punishable by a $100 fine and/or up-to 90 days in jail.
I'm sure Uber, Lyft, or a cab are among the first choices for an intoxicated person when they need a ride home. In fact, taking a train as an alternative to drunk driving in Michigan doesn't seem very practical and isn't even possible in most of the state.
The moral of the story, be very nice to your conductor. They have more power than you think.
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