LL World Series Cancelled, How Many Little Leagues Will Follow?
It became official this afternoon. The organization the runs the Little League World Series has cancelled that event and over 80 other related events around the country. The hope is to be playing again next Spring.
Here's a portion of the national statement:
“This is a heartbreaking decision for everyone at Little League International, but more so for those millions of Little Leaguers who have dreamt of one day playing in one of our seven World Series events. After exhausting all possible options, we came to the conclusion that because of the significant public health uncertainty that will still exist several months from now, and with direction from Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf and Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine, as well as senior public health officials and government leaders from locations where our other six World Series are held, as well as the their qualifying regional tournaments, it will not be possible to proceed with our tournaments as we’ve hosted them for nearly 75 years.” - Stephen D. Keener, Little League President and CEO.
Following that statement, at least one local Little Leagues began announced their plans. West Portage's statement begins with this:
It is with a heavy heart that we have decided to officially cancel the traditional 2020 West Portage Little League season. As a collective Board of Directors, we have an overwhelming desire to provide an opportunity for all of our boys and girls to get out on the fields and play baseball and softball with their friends, so this was a painful decision which was not made lightly. In view of the COVID-19 pandemic and all of the associated uncertainties, we believe that this it is the right thing to do to ensure the safety of you and your children.
It goes on explain refund process and hope for a return next year. More are expected follow.
But Westwood Little League FB post is different this afternoon. Eastwood Little League did the same, saying no final decision has been made.
You may have seen the announcement earlier this afternoon or heard elsewhere that Little League shared big news. We can say that Little League did not cancel the season today. They announced that the 7 World Series tournaments and the regional tournaments that lead up to them are canceled. Local leagues, including Westwood Little League, have not made decisions to cancel yet, and there was nothing in Mr. Keener's announcement today that directed any league to cancel their seasons. Again, this announcement does NOT impact our regular season.
Individual leagues will be informing their members when decisions are made.

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