Kalamazoo Roof Sit 2020 Recap
Due to Covid-19 we didn't reach our goal. But, you can still help.
In the past our Roof Sit goal to help fight child abuse in Kalamazoo County was in the neighborhood of $100,000. We lowered that goal to $80,00 due to the pandemic. Even though we lowered the goal, the money is needed more during than pandemic than ever. Kalamazoo county receives 17 reports of child abuse or neglect a day. That doesn't count the increase of cases that are going unreported now that teachers and school officials aren't in the kids lives every day to notice signs of abuse.
With that being said, the good people of Kalamazoo came together and donated $78,000 during the Roof Sit event last weekend.
We're no longer on that roof. However, we have extended the donation period if you would like to help the Community Healing Center reach that goal.
Click here to donate online.
You can also text the word "GIVE" to 269-222-2081.
A huge thank you to Deb Droppers and Althea Michel who have been working hard every year on this amazing event. I would also like to thank Becca Schemberger and Maddie Coleman who sat on the roof with for this entire event. Also, we couldn't do any of this without the hard working volunteers every year. Last but not least, thank you to everyone that works at the Community Healing Center. They do absolutely amazing work. Find out more info on the Community Healing Center by clicking here.