Kalamazoo Applebees Serves Up A $1.00 Drink
Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker, now you can have both at ApplebeesWith Spring here (even through it's been a slow start to decent weather) Applesbees Restaurants want to celebrate with a cool fruity drink. Through the month of April Applebees will be serving Strawberry Dollarita's for only $1.00!
Mlive reported that Patrick Kirk, vice president of beverage innovation at Applebee’s said...
Applebee’s is all about providing a fun, memorable experience with friends. Sippin’ on a Strawberry Dollarita through a strawberry-flavored Twizzlers straw is just about the coolest and most exciting way to drink a margarita. No question about it.
So what exactly is in a "Strawberry Dollarita" besides yummy...
- tequila
- strawberry mix
- margarita mix
- Served on the rocks
- A strawberry Twizzler to be used as a straw
This is not the first time that Applebees has featured a drink for only $1.00, over the years long Island ice teas have been featured as a $1.00 drink special back in December 2017 and after that we saw the classic margarita was only $1.00 for a brief time.
Even if the weather is cold the tequila should warm you up! Remember, you must be 21 to partake and price, participation and availability may vary by location.
See at the bee!
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