A student was shot while riding the school bus and thanks to the heroic efforts of the driver, the situation did not escalate.

You put your children on the school bus and believe all is well and they will return home safe and sound, but that is not always the case.

Yesterday in Jackson Michigan a young boy was shot in the upper torso while riding the school bus around 2:45. Thanks to the cool headed, caring driver the other children remained safe and help was summoned immediately for the injured child.

Mlive reported

"She did not leave her post, she did not panic," Superintendent  Jeff Beal said. "She called 911, called the school dispatch and did everything that we could possibly ask to take care of the kids."

To me that is a real hero! Gun shots fire out, a child is hurt, and she has other kids to protect and she stepped up to the plate! I could not imagine the fear she must have felt, but kept control and protected the young ones in her care!

The press has not released her name, but I want her to know that many people are grateful for her impressive actions!

Thank you mystery hero!


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