A drunk driver was arrested after Lansing police officers caught him literally flying before crashing. The whole thing was captured on video by an officer's dashboard camera.

Car Makes a Hard Landing

In the :14 second video below, you'll see the vehicle being driven by the suspected drunk driver become airborne as it flies out from the left side of the screen. The vehicle then comes to an abrupt stop, landing essentially right in front of the police car.

The Lansing Police Department shared the clip with the caption:  "Sometimes a drunk driving arrest will land right in front of you ... literally ..."

The department goes on to say that the driver suffered only minor injuries in the incident and of course was arrested for driving under the influence.

Funny Video ... Not So Funny Topic

Although the department posted the clip with somewhat of a humorous caption, they were quick to issue a stern reminder that drinking and driving is no laughing matter.

"This could’ve been a tragic outcome. There is zero excuse to get behind the wheel drunk. Report drunk drivers by calling 911."

And we're reminding you as well, in this modern-day era of technology, ride services like cabs, Uber, Lyft, and others are always available, even in most remote areas of Michigan.

Bath Township Weighs In

The Bath Township Police Department has built a reputation for being entertaining on its social media channels. The department didn't disappoint, chiming in:

"And people say that there is never a cop around when you need one!"

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