If you're a night owl like me, you probably live by the mantra "I'll sleep when I'm dead." I've always had the very serious belief that there is not enough time in the day and I'd hate to spend a third of my life unconscious. It's a big reason why I despise the "fall back" side of daylight savings.

But hey, if I can operate on five to six hours of sleep, I'm going to sleep as little as possible. I've got stuff to do.

If you aren't like me, you probably thought those last two paragraphs were written by a madman. After all, we all know we are supposed to get roughly eight hours of sleep per night.

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That said, I totally understand that other people operate differently and need a full eight hours to function on a normal day. The unfortunate reality is that some people don't choose to stay up half the night like I do and the lack of sleep really affects them.

Whether it's sleep apnoea, insomnia, restless legs, sleep paralysis - there are a lot of things that can go wrong when you lay your head down at night.

A study from Leafwell analyzed CDC data and Google search results for all 50 states to see which states were suffering to sleep the most. After calculating a sleep score scaled to 100, Michigan scored a 45.92, making it the 23rd-most sleep-deprived state in America.

While certainly much better than Hawaii's 9.87, the worst score handed out by the study, Michiganders are clearly struggling to doze off at night.

The rest of the Midwest isn't fairing much better either. Ohio landed at 19 with a 42.84, Illinois placed 23rd with a 44.71, and Indiana's score of 49.61 placed the Hoosier State at 27.

Only nine states scored higher than a 75 in the study while less than half the country scored 50 or higher.

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