Introducing The SW Michigan Royal Family Of Pets
Earlier this week I announced that I was going to be putting together a Royal Family together consisting of pets from all around southwest Michigan. Over 250 people sent in pictures of their pets to me and I don't think I've ever had a harder time picking out cuteness. This all of course was in honor of the Royal Wedding taking place tomorrow morning.
As difficult as it was I did finally make my selections yesterday of both cats and dogs alike. Each Royal Family of Pets consists of One King, One Queen, One Prince, Two Princesses, One Duchess, and one Duke. It was super hard picking only 14 pets out of all the adorable pictures that you sent in but believe me, all of your pets are special and I will make sure the rest have a seat at the Royal Wedding of pets. Let's take a look at all the royalty and marvel in the presence:
Royal Pupper Family
Royal Kitty Family
Thank you for everyone who submitted their pets! I'll have another chance to showcase your cute furry friends again soon!
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